1:1 Services

Embark on a personal Transformational journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment with Julie Cielo, a beacon of wisdom and transformation. At the heart of Julie's offerings lies a commitment to guide you towards unlocking your true potential, navigating the depths of your being, and rewriting the script of your life.

Unlock the Depths of Healing with Julie's Exclusive 1:1 Life Coaching Sessions

Transformational Life Coaching provides numerous benefits for clients seeking personal growth and development. Collaborating with an intuitive and skilled Coach like Julie enables key advantages, including: clarity of goals vision, empowerment and self-confidence, improved self-awareness and so much more.

    • Clarity of Goals and Vision: Gain insight into your goals, values, and life purpose through deep reflection and guided questioning. Identify what truly matters and what you aim to achieve in life.

    • Empowerment and Self-Confidence: Overcome self-limiting beliefs and develop the confidence to take charge of your life. This empowerment equips you to pursue dreams and confront challenges confidently.

    • Improved Self-Awareness: Engage in self-exploration and introspection to enhance awareness of your strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and behavioral patterns. This insight aids in making informed decisions and navigating life effectively.

    • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Receive support in overcoming obstacles and finding creative solutions. Learn effective problem-solving techniques and foster a growth mindset for increased resilience in facing adversity.

    • Accountability and Action Planning: Set specific goals and create actionable plans with coaching assistance. Regular check-ins and accountability structures maintain focus and motivation, leading to tangible results.

    • Improved Relationships: Explore interpersonal dynamics and communication patterns to enhance emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. Cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships as a result.

    • Stress Reduction and Well-Being: Address factors contributing to stress and dissatisfaction, such as work-life balance and self-care practices. Promote holistic well-being and resilience for reduced stress levels and greater life satisfaction.

    • Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Experience continuous personal growth and fulfillment through transformational coaching. Develop a sense of purpose, alignment with your authentic self, and progress towards goals and aspirations.

  • The benefits of transformational life coaching depend on the client's readiness to engage and the quality of the coaching relationship.

    With commitment and openness, coaching can lead to significant positive changes in different areas of life.

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Ignite Self-Healing with Julie's 1:1 Customized Breathwork

As an experienced Yoga Therapist with a deep understanding of energy, Julie carefully considers various factors when determining the most suitable breathwork techniques for you.

  • A comprehensive assessment of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is conducted first.

    This assessment involves discussions about your medical history, current health conditions, stress levels, emotional state, and any specific goals or concerns you may have.

    By observing your natural breathing patterns, posture, and overall demeanor, Julie gains insights into areas of tension or imbalance that may require attention. Your preferences and comfort level with different breathwork techniques are also considered.

    Some individuals prefer gentle, soothing practices, while others may be open to more dynamic or challenging techniques.

    Depending on your goals or concerns, Julie selects breathwork techniques that are most appropriate for addressing your specific needs. For instance, if you are dealing with anxiety, you may focus on calming and grounding breathwork practices. Safety and appropriateness for your individual needs and abilities are paramount considerations, and Julie ensures that the selected techniques are suitable. She may modify or adapt techniques to accommodate any physical limitations or contraindications.

    It's important to note that Yoga therapy encompasses a variety of practices beyond breathwork, including postures, rituals, devotional practices, and relaxation techniques, all of which Julie may advise on to support your overall goals.

    Julie actively seeks your feedback throughout the therapeutic process to assess the effectiveness of the chosen breathwork and energy-based techniques. She may adjust her approach based on your responses and progress over time.

  • All sessions are conducted via Zoom or Google Meet and can be recorded upon request.

    Please allow up to 24 hours post-session for email delivery of any recordings or additional materials.

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Illuminate Your Life Path with Julie's 1:1 Personalized Self-Inquiry Meditation

Self-inquiry meditation requires consistency and patience, so at least six lessons are recommended to get your daily practice going.

  • Julie initiates the process by clarifying your intentions behind engaging in self-inquiry meditation.

    Whether you seek self-understanding, inner peace, or personal growth, having clear intentions will shape your meditation sessions.

    Selecting a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions is advised. This could be a meditation cushion, chair, or bed, ensuring you won't be interrupted during your session.

    Adopt a comfortable posture that promotes relaxation while maintaining alertness, such as sitting cross-legged on the floor, on a cushion, or in a chair with feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes gently, relax your body, and focus on your breath as Julie guides you through the practice.

    Using the prompt "Who am I?" as an anchor for your mind, you'll begin to identify ‘witness consciousness,’ a concept rooted in non-dual Eastern philosophy. In a serene state, turn your attention inward and pose questions that prompt self-reflection.

    Julie will guide you through inquiries tailored to your intentions and explorations, such as examining your essence beyond thoughts and emotions and identifying desires, fears, and sources of joy. After asking these questions, you'll sit in silence, listening for insights or responses from within, fostering trust in your intuition and inner wisdom.

    Embrace self-compassion and acceptance, recognizing each experience as an opportunity for growth.

    Express gratitude for gained insights, then transition gradually back to everyday awareness, carrying lessons from your practice into daily life.

  • Self-inquiry meditation requires consistency and patience, so there are at least six lessons to get going in your daily practice.

    Julie will answer your questions and give tips, tricks, and guidance from her 30 years of practice. This is just the beginning of your journey of self-discovery and exploration, and Julie will be there to guide you through it.

    All sessions occur through Zoom or Google Meet and can be recorded if you’d like.

    Allow up to 24 hrs post-session for delivery.

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What Clients Say About Working 1:1 With Julie:

‘Wow, I can’t believe you got to the root of my childhood trauma that quickly. I just did the hypnosis. I felt lighter and had an emotional release. My stomach does not feel tense anymore. I know I need to keep doing this every day to heal myself.’’ - K.

“My life has changed drastically. I am forever grateful.” -R.E.

“I was amazed that after 30 minutes, Julie could get to the heart of it. The recording she made made me feel like a weight was lifted giving me a sense of inner peace. I could tell it really affected me at a subconscious level, as I am thinking differently now. Thank you!” — B.K.

Discover the Power Within Through Julie’s 1:1 Custom Guided Hypnosis

Custom-guided Yoga Nidra, also known as ‘yogic sleep,’ tailored specifically for trauma survivors, offers numerous benefits.

  • Following a 30-minute consultation with Julie to identify the root causes of your trauma, she crafts a personalized guided hypnosis session. This session is designed for daily listening in a safe and supportive environment, aiding in exploring and processing traumatic memories and emotions stored in the body. It complements Coaching sessions effectively.

    Through accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis assists in reframing and integrating traumatic experiences, fostering healing and resolution. It aids in regulating emotions and managing symptoms of trauma-related distress like anxiety, fear, and hypervigilance. Guided hypnosis teaches coping strategies to reduce emotional reactivity and enhance feelings of calmness and control. By facilitating the reprocessing of traumatic memories in a less distressing manner, hypnosis helps alleviate physical and emotional symptoms held in the body.

    Hypnosis empowers individuals with tools and techniques to build resilience and cope with the aftermath of trauma.

    It fosters inner strength, self-confidence, and self-efficacy, enabling more effective navigation of future challenges. For those dealing with PTSD or CPTSD, guided hypnosis serves as a valuable adjunctive therapy, addressing symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and avoidance behaviors. It aids in reframing negative cognitions, reducing physiological arousal, and establishing a sense of safety and control.

    Custom-guided hypnosis facilitates deeper self-awareness and self-understanding, promoting greater compassion and self-acceptance.

    By exploring the root causes of trauma responses, individuals develop a more nurturing relationship with themselves, often leading to a natural alleviation of symptoms, including addictive behaviors.

  • While guided hypnosis is a valuable tool for trauma recovery, it should be integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan alongside other modalities such as life coaching and mindfulness practices.

    Each session comprises a 30-minute consultation followed by a 30-45 minute custom recording delivered within 5-7 days via MP3 audio file.

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Gain Alignment from Above with Julie’s 1:1 Astrology Natal Chart Reading

*Not available until June 1, 2024. In astrology, the lunar nodes, commonly known as the North Node and the South Node, hold significant importance in natal chart readings. These nodes mark the points where the Moon's path intersects with the ecliptic, which is the Sun's apparent path around the Earth. Julie emphasizes the interpretation of these nodes in your natal chart reading.

  • In astrology, the lunar nodes often referred to as the North Node and the South Node, play a significant role in a natal chart reading.

    The lunar nodes represent points where the path of the Moon intersects with the ecliptic (the path of the Sun around the Earth).

    Julie focuses her interpretation of your chart on the nodes in your natal chart reading. The North Node represents where the Moon's path intersects the ecliptic from south to north. It is associated with growth, evolution, and the future direction of the individual's soul journey.

    This is helpful when Life Coaching with Julie as she can help guide you in utilizing this knowledge.

    The sign and house placement of the North Node indicate the qualities, attributes, and experiences that you are meant to develop and embrace in this lifetime.

    The North Node suggests areas where you may feel a sense of destiny, purpose, and fulfillment when they align with its energies. Paying attention to the sign and house of the North Node can guide you on where to focus your personal growth efforts and how to move toward greater fulfillment and self-actualization.

    The South Node represents where the Moon's path intersects the ecliptic from north to south. It is associated with past lives, ingrained patterns, and tendencies carried over from previous incarnations.

    Julie’s gifts as a Medium & Intuitive come in handy here.

    The sign and house placement of the South Node indicate the qualities, behaviors, and experiences that you may be inclined to rely on or repeat due to past conditioning. Again, excellent information to integrate into Coaching with Julie.

    The South Node suggests areas where you may encounter challenges, stagnation, or over-reliance on familiar patterns that hinder growth and evolution. Your spiritual evolution is the highest life priority. Becoming aware of the dynamics between the North Node and South Node can help you recognize your karmic lessons and opportunities for growth in this lifetime. Interpreting the nodes in your natal chart involves considering your aspects of other planets and points, their rulerships, and any emerging patterns or themes.

    It's important to approach the interpretation with openness and curiosity, recognizing that the nodes provide valuable insights into your soul's journey and evolutionary path in this lifetime.

    Coaching with Julie will offer deep insights and guidance tailored to your unique chart and life circumstances, bolstering the other spiritual guidance you are receiving working with her as she utilizes her gifts as a Medium, clairvoyant, and Intuitive to speak to your guides, ancestors, and loved ones.

  • This 1 hr reading on Zoom or Google Meet can be recorded.

    Your chart and the recording will be emailed to you within 24 hrs post-reading.

    All sessions must be paid for in advance before booking. Once payment is received, a Calendly link will be provided.

    A 24 hr notice is mandatory or your session will be forfeited. Email & text confirmations will be sent 36 hrs in advance.

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Plan Compassionate End of Life Care for You or a Loved One

As a trained Funeral Director & Spiritual Guide, Julie offers holistic, non-medical support to individuals and their families during the end-of-life process. Julie provides compassionate companionship and emotional & spiritual support to those facing terminal illness, end-of-life stages, or approaching death, including children. She creates a safe and supportive space for open conversations about fears, hopes, and wishes related to death and dying for both family members and the person transitioning. Julie empowers individuals to make informed decisions aligned with their values and preferences.

  • While Julie does not provide advanced care, she guides advance care directives, living wills, and other legal documents outlining healthcare wishes and preferences for end-of-life care.

    She facilitates conversations with healthcare providers and family members to ensure wishes are respected. Julie also offers comfort measures and support for symptom management during the dying process, utilizing techniques such as gentle touch, relaxation exercises, and aromatherapy to alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation.

    Additionally, Julie facilitates opportunities for reflection on life, sharing stories, and creating legacy projects or memory keepsakes. She encourages meaningful connections with loved ones and helps leave behind a lasting legacy honoring their life and experiences. Julie guides and supports family members and caregivers as they navigate the emotional and practical challenges of caring for a dying loved one, fostering open and honest communication among family members to promote understanding, acceptance, and connection during difficult times.

    Following a death, Julie offers ongoing support to families and loved ones, assisting with funeral planning, memorial services, and grief support resources to help individuals navigate the grieving process and adjust to life after loss.

    Overall, her holistic, personalized support honors the individual's autonomy, dignity, and unique end-of-life journey, complementing the care provided by medical professionals and hospice teams by focusing on emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial aspects of end-of-life care.

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